Supracity Publishing LLC

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What you flu about - Expands

What you flu about - Expands? Doesn't make much sense on the surface. But then getting a new strain of last years flu doesn't make much sense either. For years I have been wondering about this strange phenomena called the flu. It always appears in some foreign remote or distant country (from which this new type of strain is named) and then it travels the world over infecting millions.
So what's odd at about that? Well a couple of things, actually. It seems to appear every year (without fail, mind you) in the fall (around November) and lasts a few months and then magically disappears until it is called upon to come out of hiding next year at the same time. This little flu bug has been causing untold suffering in the fall ever since I can remember. Does it reappear in the summer? No. How about the spring? No. Winter? No. Only the fall. That isn't consistent with a virus or a bacterial strain. They don't cycle. Colds are another little bugger that is like the flu's assistant. It shows up around the same time, but for some reason we can't figure out what it is or even how to "protect" ourselves from it. The only marginal benefit derived from having a cold is maybe a couple of sick days at best.
 Once we inoculate ourselves with the flu shot you would think that you would be done with the flu. This works on all other viruses like measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc. But not the flu. Why? The prevailing reason (guess) is the flu virus after it runs its course goes and hides inside pigs. Yes, pigs. Isn't that where Jesus sent the demons after he cast them out of a man in Garada? Maybe we should change the name from flu to Legion. Legion can also do something most if not all viruses can't do and that is change its genetic code making last years flu shot ineffective.
If you look at the flu from a purely scientific standpoint, it doesn't make sense logically because it doesn't act logical. No virus appears at the same time every year and there are no viruses able to reconstruct their genetic makeup every year. Heck, we can't even figure out what the common cold is? Is it real? Of course it is, but how and why does it show up at the same time every year like the flu? Do we create that too? Are our thoughts that powerful? Maybe that is why we can't cure it physically because that isn't where it was created. Think about that?
If we can affect our environment through pure thoughts and expectations, then the flu and perhaps our common colds are the physical results (manifestations) of our thoughts. When the weather begins to turn cold and the kids are going back to school, everybody starts thinking about what happened last year and the year before. We even give this time of year a name. We call it the "Cold and Flu Season!" Once we start thinking that the flu is going to appear then by the shear number of people's thoughts and expectations directed at one event must bring that event into reality. Why else would last years flu shot be ineffective? The CDC from Atlanta announces the new flu shots are available and issue mandatory inoculations to protect some of us from the new strain. Adding even stronger beliefs (thoughts of it is real) to the flu epidemic. The television stations are full of ads promoting their cold and flu relief symptom drugs this time of year, reinforcing the belief even more.
Anyone who has had the flu in the past knows how sick it can make you and that is nothing to kid about. Just because it started in thought doesn't mean it can't make your life miserable for awhile. But if the flu started in thought and became physical then what about the flu shot, that is purely physical? Reply. Do you feel (think) that you are now protected from the flu after you took the flu shot? Answer. Yes.
Summary - If you don't think your thoughts can have a profound affect on you then just remember one thing. The Cold and Flu Season is upon us. What you think flu about - Expands!


Barry Brown, Author
"A Journey to Balance - Making Sense of It All."

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