Supracity Publishing LLC

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Life has no road maps

You are traveling life’s highway going along your merry business when BOOM you hit something in the road. It shakes you up. Your doctor noticed an abnormality on your breast, perhaps a good friend of yours died in a car accident and you wake up. You’ve been on autopilot most of your life and now you want to do something with your life before it’s too late. You stand on your soapbox and proclaim to the world that you’ve had enough of living the secure, comfortable – boring life. You remember in your youth how exciting times were back then. The new experiences, the new challenges, the not knowing of what is going to happen tomorrow. You’ve built yourself a nice little life where everything is predictable. Right down to the Thursday board meeting where you have to spend two hours of your life that you will never get back listening to someone drone on about a topic you could care less about. You hate it, but you can’t leave. You have so much riding on the corporate line. What about your insurance? Your  retirement package? Tuition had gone up over 200% since you went to college and how are you going to afford paying for your kids to go to college? Your parents didn’t have that much trouble but times were different back then. Yes they were. These are the best of times, these are the worst of times. It is your choice, it has always been your choice. Today is your choice. No one can stop you from doing what you want to do if you want to do it bad enough. But some will say, “I have obligations. I can’t just quit my job and go airy fairy off to never never land. I have bills to pay.” Yes you do, but who was the one who got you into this mess? Who took that job offer? Who decided on the “little bit bigger house than we can really afford?” Freedom takes sacrifice. If you are living in a house that requires you to do things you desperately don’t want to do, then you need to make some changes. If you are working for a company that doesn’t feel right, then find another one. Spiritual life is unlimited, but your physical essence is only here for a short time. Make that short time the best you can. The bumper sticker stating, “He who dies with the most toys wins” is wrong because when you die, you don’t have any toys. It would be phrased better with, “He who dies with the most experiences wins.” Now that’s something no one can take away from you. In other words, it is your life to live. It is your decisions to make when it comes to how you want to navigate your life. If you run into rough waters, keep paddling because there will be clear skies ahead. Don’t listen to those others telling you how to sail your boat. Sail it the way you want too. If you set sail to a destination then have a plan and work it until you arrive. If you decide later that it isn’t what you want then quit. Don’t do something because you are afraid of what others think if you don’t do it. It is your life and your choice to run it the way you want. Run it well.


Barry Brown, Author

“A Journey to Balance – Making Sense of It All”

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