Supracity Publishing LLC

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How one lady handled being sick

              I love doing book signings these days. Being an author who writes about spiritual matters and what some call New Age thinking, I end up talking to me some very interesting and exciting people. Some are curious onlookers who shake their heads when I tell them what the books about. Then are those interested, but still not sure about all of this metaphysical mumbo jumbo stuff. They are the ones who find themselves in a limbo of sorts. They aren't sure what they are taught in church is all there is to it, but they are afraid if they don't strictly adhere to the ancient teachings then their souls could be in jeopardy. I can see the curiosity along with a bit of fear cross their faces as I tell them about how your thoughts create your world. I continue this line by saying that I wasn't the first to talk about this. I tell them about Jesus when he said to the lady that touched his robe, "Not mine, but thy faith hath made ye whole." Of course I am talking about the lady in the Bible who believed so strongly if she touched Jesus' rope she would be healed. Jesus stopped walking because he felt someone tug on his clothes. He asked her why she grabbed him. She told him that she knew she would be healed from the touch. Here is where it gets interesting. He denied any healing powers coming from him. Instead he told her that since she had such a powerful belief that a simple touch of his rope indeed healed her. Her beliefs were so strong when carried out it manifested itself immediately. What a wonderful and inspiring story! If we would concentrate on those areas of the Bible it would bring about a definite change in many lives.
           I was talking to an older couple who I was sure they were going to purchase my book. They declined, telling me that they routinely buy a book that looks interesting and then forget to read it. They have stacks of unread books. Well, okay. The husband's wife related a wonderful story about a friends. She said her friend is seventy years old and she has lived with multiple sclerosis for forty years. MS is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, resulting in loss of muscle control, vision, balance, and sensation of numbness affects many of its victims. The lady went on to tell me that her friend was put on a variety of medications in order to help. She refused them all and said the power of healing is within her and not in some doctors bag. She has lived a full life without any major MS issues. All without the help of conventional medical therapy. The husband and wife told me that when they go to visit her they feel a strong sense of serenity in her house. I marvel at what our thoughts can do and there are so many testaments today confirming just how powerful each and everyone of us truly is. Edgar Cayce was once asked about why he prescribed different means of healing therapy of the same affliction to different individuals. He responded that he is giving each person the treatment that agrees with their belief system. Some need osteopathic treatment and change of diet while others need light therapy and some only need meditation and prayer to rid themselves of their unwanted condition. In other words, if you believe the medicine you are taking is working then it is. It is as simple as that.
Kevin Costner as Crash Davis talking to Anne about Laluosh in the movie Bull Durham - "If you believe you are playing well because you are getting laid or because you are not getting laid and you are wearing women's underwear then you are, and you should know that."


Barry Brown, Author and National Speaker
"A Journey to Balance - Making Sense of It All."

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