Supracity Publishing LLC

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Falling off the wagon!

       Sometimes when I'm on the road and talking to bookstore managers about ordering my book and/or doing a talk some will refuse to do either or they tell me they will order a book or two and then don't. One day, I did a talk and only one person showed. Well, at least she bought a book. I have an ongoing fight with some of the Virginia libraries because they won't buy my book since my publisher isn't a big New York firm, but a small Virginia based one. Seems my taxes that go to support our libraries don't help at all when it comes to our libraries helping us local authors,  however they never forget to ask me to donate my book to them. They will also let me do a talk for free or at a reduced cost, but many won't allow me to sell my books on their property afterwards and I can't charge for my talks at the library. Now they will make exceptions for bigger New York names.
    You are probably saying to yourself, "It seems Barry has fallen off the wagon!" You may wonder why am I complaining after I send out all of these positive ideas about taking responsibility for yourself and such? It is simple. It is because I have to deal with the real world just like everyone else. I have daily obstacles that I must face just like you. I get frustrated just as much and sometimes even more (just ask my wife.) We all have our special flavor of dealing with others who seems that their only mission in life is set up roadblocks for us. Getting frustrated when life doesn't go your way or you see events occur to be unfair, is actually a big part, a necessary part of life. Everyone is on their own path and thinking about their own best interest and that is the way it should be. Now their best interest may conflict with yours, at least it may appear that way at first. The difference is when that happens is whether you choose to get all down on yourself or move forward and expand your awareness when facing those setbacks when they crop up. No one goes through life without being on the rollercoaster now and again. It wouldn't be fun if everything went your way anyhow. It would actually - be boring.
         I remember watching one of those Twilight Zone episodes where a man is in this hotel with beautiful women, bar, pool table, where luxuries abound. He is smoking a Cuban cigar and every time he plays pool he wins. The women never turn him down. He can eat, smoke and drink as much as he wants. He can wear anything he desires. In fact, there is nothing that challenges him. He gets everything he wants and he gets it right away. One day he grew tired of not being challenged. He grew bored where he saw the maître d. He approached the maître d and asked if there is some work to do. Something to challenge his mind and body. The maître d apologized and said, "I am very sorry sir, but that is the one request I cannot fulfill" The man replied, "A fine thing. I might as well be in hell!" To where the maître d responded, "Where do you think your are?"
       We tend to think that if everything goes our way then life would be one big bowl of cherries, but that really isn't what we signed up for. We came here to be challenged, to get frustrated, because you really can't enjoy winning if you've never lost. You can't feel the joy of happiness without knowing sorrow. We all are leading edge creators, we had a hand in creating this world and everything in it and we are continually creating life. To sit around and do nothing but hope that when you die you'll have it better is a waste of what you have right now. Be glad when problems arise because when they do (and they will) they are saying, "here is another opportunity, another gift for you." Be thankful for them coming into your life and having a chance to solve them and in solving them is what makes life worth living. Taking responsibility doesn't mean walking around with a silly smile on your face all the time nor a frown. It means allowing things to happen and to know that there is nothing that can beat you. Nothing that can come into your life that you didn't invite. You are the creator and everything that has happened in your life up to now is to teach you more about yourself.
      So when your wagon hits a pot hole and throws you to the ground. Sure you can get mad at first and complain a little, but don't take it so personally and brood about the unfairness. Just get back on the wagon and instead of worrying about future pot holes, focus on the road ahead.


Barry Brown, Author and National Speaker
"A Journey to Balance - Making Sense of It All."

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