Supracity Publishing LLC

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Rules of Life

"What are the rules of life? Like someone actually knows?" I can hear people ask. There is only one real rule and everything else is built upon it. "Like Attracts Like." There you go. Everything flows from that basic premise. If you are a positive type of person then you will see and bring that energy into your experience. Have you every wondered why some people just seem to get all the breaks while others always struggle? You are witnessing this law in action. If you are a negative type then you will see and bring energy of a negative type. Things at work, relationships, health and money problems will appear routinely. Have you ever heard the saying about good and bad things come in threes? If you ever wondered if that holds any water, it does. When you experience a situation be it good or bad is when you send out thoughts as a response. Let's say your significant other just proposed and you are so excited about getting married. You began to think about all of the wonderful things marriage will have on your life. Before you know it, your boss just recommended you for a promotion. Now your on a roll. Life couldn't be better you say to yourself and you think since things come in threes there is more. And then you get a call from your mother telling you they are going on a trip and would like you and your fiancĂ© to come with them and they'll pay for it. When the first good thing comes into our experience, we think about it a lot and we focus on the good. That focus is what attracts others of like. Do you know someone who complains about their health? Do you also notice that they are always having health issues? What you think about expands. It expands because like attracts like. Your thoughts are energy and it is up to you whether you focus that energy into what you want or what you don't want. It doesn't matter to the Universe. The Universe just gives you more of what you think about. If you say "I don't want to get sick" your thoughts are on sickness and that is what you will attract into your life. Negative and positives are only an event judgment made by you and therefore do not matter. The energy of your thoughts are all that matters. Let's say you catch a cold or get the flu. You have two options. You can concentrate on how bad you feel or you can say to yourself. I brought on this through my thoughts and I can remove it by changing my thoughts. In fact, I can tell that this is going to be a short lived inconvenience. I am feeling better all ready. I know that I exercise regularly and I eat right and that means I have a healthy body. I love the way I feel everyday, so energetic, so good. Or you can trudge around the house feeling sorry for yourself, focusing on how bad you feel. One will make your symptoms shorter and easier to tolerate while the other will make everything worse. It is up to you and your thoughts. But what about accidents? Victims of certain crimes? Opposites attract? Well, we will discuss those in my next blog. Until then..


Barry Brown, Author and National Speaker
"A Journey to Balance - Making Sense of It All."

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