Supracity Publishing LLC

Friday, November 29, 2013

Does Black Friday make you see RED?

Leaving the relatives last night on the long road home, I noticed a Wal-Mart to our left with the parking lot full. Curiosity got the best of me, so I ventured in for a five-minute walk around. They had pallets full of merchandise wrapped with a price on the bottom and a time when the products would go on sale. There were line after line of people waiting all around the store for the great unveiling. I had never seen so many Wal-Mart employees in one store all wearing bright yellow. It was five o'clock and the craziness would start in one hour. I wasn't about to stick around and watch the pandemonium.
The rest of the way home I thought about what was going to happen in a few minutes at Wal-Mart and especially across this country to most retail stores on Friday. I've heard people complain about all of the pushing and shoving and yes one year a customer was trampled to death trying to one of the first to get a "good deal." That is truly a down side of Black Friday, but the upsides are of course hopefully stimulating our economy. That in my opinion isn't the most important point. The most important point to Black Friday is the feeling of excitement and euphoria spreading across this country due primarily to the day after Thanksgiving. This one day a year a mass of people awake in the morning with great anticipation of getting something they want at a very good price. This feeling of happiness and excitement on such a wide scale will filter throughout the entire world. So many people at one time feeling so good is bound to have a positive effect on us all. Maybe you, like me prefer to stay home on this crazy day, but it doesn't mean Black Friday should make you see RED.


Barry Brown, Author and National Speaker
"A Journey to Balance - Making Sense of It All"

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